August 28, 2012

IF: Tall

A few months ago Zoë got her own blog and from now on all her adventures, also the ones for Illustration Friday, will be posted here.

This week's topic is tall.
And Zoë found this very tall cupcake - she has a hard time not tasting some of it!

(the cupcake was inspired by the lovely cupcakes by Vcrea).


  1. Wedden dat Zoe er van snoepen gaat?

  2. It looks like one of those challenges from 'Man vs Food' (in this case, 'Sheep vs Food'! She looks doubtful, but I think she can eat it all... very nice!

  3. Hello, Zoë! How cool that you have your own blog -- and what a better way to celebrate it than with a mighty tall cupcake! :-)

    Thanks for your visit, Brigitte! For Bear, rather than using pen I drew him with brush and ink -- a different look, more sketchy and loose,right?

    Hope all is well!

  4. is the cupcake very tall..or is the sheep very small? either way, it's adorable

  5. Me too I want a so tall cupcake:)


Zoë loves your visits and your comments ♥